Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Camera Status: Busted. Bath Time Status: A-Dorable

Urg. Our camera is totally broken, so we're going to get a new one on Friday. Until then, I have the backup cam, but I am actually writing to tell you all that I may be MIA for a couple of days because I have to grade a bunch of speeches starting tomorrow.

In the mean time, here are a few more bath pictures from yesterday. I tried all day to upload the vide we took of him standing up in the tub, but I couldn't do it-- the .asf files wouldn't open in any player, and they wouldn't upload to youtube or photobucket. Anybody know what I can do about that? I tried to download a codec, but couldn't find one for my OS. I think I'll try with our dvd cam this weekend.

Here he is-- he was standing up in between these shots-- he's so dangerous!!

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