Monday, February 09, 2015


I have the WORST headache, and it is annoying the hell out of me because I waited ALL DAY to drink this wine, and I deserve it because today was a bummer and a half.  I went to an academic staff assembly meeting and listened to the chancellor discuss the governor's horrific budget cuts.  Layoffs, she promised.  Layoffs of staff to be exact.  Erm.  Not the warmest, fuzziest news to a room of academic staffers, KWIM?

Pro:  I bought a giant new iPhone today, and I really, really like it.  It's super huge.  The kids kept calling it an iPad.

We have done a ton of nothing since Thursday.  Work.  Always work.  Some house cleaning.  Sports practice and a basketball game.
 No more crib escapes, THANK GOODNESS.

She's been working on going DOWN the stairs, and we have high hopes that someday the baby gate will be gone.
I am watching Dumb and Dumber To and feeling so stupid when I laugh.  BUT IT'S SO FUNNY.  But that makes me so stupid.  It's a conflict.


  1. That first picture is about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

  2. Ugh. Sending you all my good vibes. Layoffs suck.
