Friday, May 10, 2019

Spoiler Alert: STILL SAD

Speaking of reading.  It is the 10th of the month and I am plodding through just one book. WHAT IN THE HELL.

But, conversely, I have wasted more time than I ever have in my entire life scrolling mindlessly through social media.  I am just about up to the class prep red line, though, where I will suddenly have to snap to attention because I have NO TIME LEFT to do anything at all.  Gah.

I don't want to celebrate my birthday this year because I am just not feeling celebratory.  And yet.  My birthday is coming.  Luckily, I scheduled dentist appointments for Jack and harry, so I will have some time to be grumpy and put-upon.

I am barely even taking pictures.

I had a funny post about  Take Your Kid to Work day, and I took GOBS of pictures of that.  But then, you know, my dad died that very night, and now I cannot even look at any of those pics.  Not yet, anyway.

Before my dad died, I was kicking some Whole30 ass, so my phone is full of food pics.  But, like, not pretty ones. Like these:

So much penis shaped food and so much kale.  Bah.  Now I am eating carbs again and feel kind of gross about it but also give zero cares about meal planning or prep.  So, there's that.

Rainbow day at dance (also the day my dad died, but it's pretty cute)
Baseball season is upon us!  Dorothy likes to literally roll in the dirt like a cute little farm animal while the boys play. 

Harry is umping whenever he can to save up for a new phone (SO CUTE)

 Remember what I said about food prep?  We are eating crap all of the time.
 On a literally brighter note, Ben is LOVING the rainbow of sunglasses her got for his birthday
Dorothy wears a pair of my dad's reading glasses almost everyday
At his choir concert, Harry almost couldn't sing "Bridge Over Troubled Water" because he took a second to think about the meaning of the song.
Jack and Cooper had a screaming fist fight on the front lawn this morning as their dog walk ended.  No picture because I had to, you know, intervene.

Beatrix still has an ulcer on her eye, and we are going on week three of the effing cone of shame and it's driving me nuts.  She doesn't seem to mind.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs, Friend ❤️ Be gentle with yourself. It hasn’t been long at all. I took two weeks off work after my dad died and everyone acted like I came back too soon. If you’re showering and eating carbs and not screaming at strangers (true story) you’re doing okay.
