Thursday, December 21, 2017

School parties

Oh, the school parties.

Junior high is too cool for parties, obvs, so we just sent a bunch of donuts in and called it a day.

Dorothy had her party at school with no helpers needed-- we just had to send cookie stuff.

But!  Fourth grade had a pancake breakfast, for which I cooked and served SIX DOZEN eggs, and kindergarten had a cookie party that I organized and baked for and led.  And both were an absolute delight.

That's a lot of eggs, by the way.
 OMG.  Speaking of holiday tasks.  SO MANY PRESENTS TO WRAP.
 Ben was a huge helper in kindergarten, obvi
 Marshmallow snow man-- surprisingly big hit.
 Dorothy LOVED being a pretend kindergartener.  She even got to do circle time, where she sang Jingle Bells solo.
 Ben read The Book With No Pictures, and the audience HOWLED.
 You bet a wore an apron to the pancake breakfast.  So much syrup.

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