My contractions really sucked at that point, but they were manageable if I stood up, rocked back and forth, and hugged Ben really tight (he claims I actually lifted him off the ground at one point.
Here we are walking to Labor and Delivery, sure they would find I was only like 3 cm and send us home.
I was 7 centimeters! 7! Like only 3 away from 10!
At that point, I got really excited and realized I coul live my dream of an epidural-free birth.
Um, that hurt.
Real bad.
I was a screamer and a biter (ask Ben). At one point, the doc on call told me to "Get my act together and focus." So I did. On ripping her head off as soon as I got the baby the hell out. Ring of fire? A very apt description.
But the cord was wrapped around the baby's neck, so things were quite scary there for a moment when he came out blue and quiet, and I forgot about killing the doctor and focused on being deliciously pain free and on the miraculous sounds of his precious crying.
Here we are with Jack Leonard, named for his great grandfathers and born at 6:03 am, weighing 6 pounds 14 inches and measuring 20 inches long.
CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you I can barely stand it!! Husband is going to so laugh at me tonight when he asks how my day was & I tell him "Sarah, you know, Harry's mom? From the blog? She had her baby!! And you can you believe some b*tch told her to get her act together and focus during a med-free birth?? Can you even BELIEVE that??!!"
ReplyDeleteSo happy. :-) He's beautiful!
Congratulations!!! He is so beautiful and looks a lot like Harry to me. Or Ben. Or probably both, actually.
ReplyDeleteThat is great - I've been anxiously checking in a million times a day waiting on the news!!!
Kim S.
worth waiting for and hearing your voice this morning was the cherry on the Sundae..Grampa Jack and Bomma
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS!!! He's beautiful... and I love his name! You are a trooper doing it epi free, wow! What does Harry think? We are really really excited for you guys.
ReplyDeleteOh and Ring of Fire scares the poo out of me. And I also now need a chocolate milkshake.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations - he's adorable!
ReplyDeleteHow did you manage to look so cute walking into the hospital while you were in LABOR? Congratulations! He is absolutely adorable!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations my friends. Bradley Speech Team Class of 2030, perhaps? Nooo, I wouldn't wish that on a kid so young and sweet and innocent. :-p
ReplyDeleteMuch love from me and Doug. We can't wait to meet him.
Sara and Ben,
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that I've been a regular addict of this blog for a year or so but I can't keep quiet any longer. I was so friggen excited about Jack’s entrance! I too have been checking your blog WAY too often to see if there were any new pee pee stories or better yet news about McLovein! So...congratulations to you both on an INCREDIBLY beautiful family. Oh and of course I called Dana and told her right away and then we cried. (Biological clock ticking has gotten VERY loud lately.)
All my love,
Jenn Burwell
Congrats to all of you! Jack is soooo precious & what a great name (although I'm going to have a hard time getting over McLovin)! Also, congrats on a med-free birth. I can't imagine having the balls to do that myself. Half the reason I'm getting preggers in the first place is for the free drugs. Now you've got my clock a tickin', too. I'm gonna have to go get some pre-natal vitamins after work. :)
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping that you recover quickly & that Harry & Jack become the best of friends.
Congrats Sarah and Ben and new big brother Harry on the newest edition to the family!
Can't wait to meet Jack Jack and see what his special powers are!! Boo
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to meet Jack Jack and see what his special powers are!! Boo
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS! So excited, and I can't wait to meet him! I peed my pants after I had the kids, too. LOL. I hope you're getting lots of sleep. Call me, seriously, of you need anything. I can come and play with Harry or anything you need.
Congrats! Can't wait to meet him, hopefully we'll be able to swing by Madison soon!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great post. I never went into labor on my own. I never would have even considered going without an epi. You are a super-star. What sweet pics.
ReplyDeleteYou make learning about this topic so much easier and fun!
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