We kept our underwhelming pizza (except Ian's-- that pizza is **chef's kiss**) streak alive with some truly yucky pies at a completely random indoor pool (there were two large-ish slides, one that snaked outside the building and one that was a green version of the slide at our summer pool, neither of which warranted a picture or the label water park, IMHO) in the middle of nowhere. Yes, I was absolutely too cheap to pay spring break prices in the WI dells.
I planned to take them to the Holiday Inn by our house that has a pretty great indoor pool, but it was completely full. Well-- not completely. They were out of day passes but had one single room left. But YUCK that sounded crowded and gross to me. So we tried a new weird little place, and Minnie especially lurved it.
Turns out, I did not even need to wear a suit because I didn't have to get in the water! YAY!
This pic perfectly sums up our terrible weather. Sandals. But also a fleece. Blergh.